Our Events

Urinary Tract Infection Management

UTI is a common occurrence in CKD patients. Effective infection management is essential to prevent further kidney injury. Dr. Sreejith Parameswaran will discuss causes and resolution options.

Cadaver Kidney Transplants & Organ Donation Laws

Cadaver kidney transplant is a boon to many patients with ESRD. Learn about how to register for a cadaver organ and the rules related to organ donation in this exclusive session.

What keeps us busy apart from CKD!

Join Harshit & Naval in this interesting talk on how to deal with life and stay positive by keeping busy in the right direction despite having kidney disease.

Being Employed while having CKD

Join Mujahid Naqvi and Samiir Halady in this event to learn the importance of staying employed with Kidney Disease

KWF Virtual Conference 2020

As a grand finale to our work in 2020, we bring to you the KWF Virtual Conference 2020. Join us for sessions by Nephrologists, Awards, Entertainment and More!


Addressing the Global Burden of DiseaseKidney Warriors Foundation (KWF) holds a unique position of being the first Kidney Patient Advocacy body to work for patient welfare. From the time when it was incorporated on 20th December 2017 many landmark steps have been taken to improve awareness for managing disease through educational workshops and providing constant […]


(In association with NephroPlus,India’s Largest Dialysis Provider) On 4th September 2022, we conducted a KNOWLEDGE WORKSHOP that became our first step forward for ground activities post the pandemic. The half day workshop was held on 4th September 2022 at the Koramangala Club.We brought together senior nephrologists who shared very interesting insights on early management of disease, […]